Vocal & Vaginal Link


Vaginal + Vocal Link

“A few other similarities include the fact that the vagina and the throat are pathways into the body from the outside world, and instruments of self-expression in relationship.” Stacey Ramsower

An excellent read - vocal and vaginal correlation

Cervix = neck: throat and vagina

Vagus Nerve: responds to movement, stimulation and electrical signals - carries impulses of prana (life force)

Boundaries and Freedom: Voice to express your choices (for birth preferences, safetl, stimulation and pleasurable expression) Vagina to express life! (to birth!!)

For Induction, Inducing Labour:

  • Sound Creative Expression
  • Sing, Dance, Art with hands/body
  • Oil massage on your partner, and them massaging you
  • Arousal, with sound!
  • Masterbation is meditation


Can you let go to be held - to let your body express itself, to make primal pleasurable sounds

Can you open your mouth, let your neck and jaw relax?

Can you do the same vaginally - as you visualise/image letting go down there perhaps sound comes out

Your body safely holds this process. Trust it. 


EPB Project: Chanting, Toning + Light Language

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